Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My King (Remix)

Alright, I know I already told you all to listen to this short speech by SM Lockridge before. However, if you were too lazy to go through the work and do it, or you did not have six minutes, here is a new, and maybe better option. Just follow this link and it will take you to a sight where you can actually see a three minute video that includes the talk. I hope you all enjoy it. The link is:

Monday, August 15, 2005

The End...

Summer Project 2005 is officially over.

The past week and a half has been a blur of encouragement, excitement, sadness, and joy. All in all, I come away so amazed by God. Only He can provide the Love that defined this past week.

1 John 4:8 “…because God is love.” How true it is!

Coming into this summer, I knew that I would have to leave early. By accepting the position of Community Advisor for a dorm at school, I had to leave project four days early. While this may not seem like that big of a deal, let me try to paint a picture of the last few days.

Last week’s theme focused on going to the nations. The week was focused on missions to other countries. It is incredible to realize the need for people across the world. One of the coolest things we did that week was to just take a half an hour and pray for a country. The countries I choose were Finland and the Central African Republic. I know those countries sound so random, but if you sit down and just pray for another country, you cannot help but develop a heart for it.

This past week was the closing stage of my project job of being and Action Group leader. To emphasize the struggles and persecution other Christians around the world go through to worship God, we held our bible study in the bathroom. While this may sound weird or extreme, people across the world will go deep underground or go to any place to be able to worship our Lord and Savior.

I went into visit work this past Saturday. It was nice to be able to see my head boss for one last time. In many ways, it was a pretty ideal send off. We rode around the course together reflecting on the year. God provided the opportunity for me to just express how much I look up to him and respect him. Now, my time at Greate Bay Golf Course is over. My job this summer may have been one of my biggest blessings.

Throughout the week, God provided so many blessings in big and little things. Last Tuesday, the three of us from the golf course had the chance to eat dinner at one of our co-workers homes. He is a 67 year-old man who is understanding and caring. We got have dinner with him, his wife, and one of his wives friends. Even though Eric, Drew, and I were extremely tired going into it, God just provided great conversation. We got to the point were we did not even want to leave. The maturity of the conversation was something I was longing for so badly. It is funny how God provides in weird ways sometimes.

Also on Tuesday, it was raining extremely hard. So a couple of us guys went to a mall about 25 minutes away to buy a few things. At the same time, we made it a point to be intentional to share the Good News with the people we came in contact with. It was incredible the conversations that started. Often times we get intimidated thinking people would get offended or do not have the time. Man, those are usually lies.

On Saturday night, I went out sharing on the boardwalk for the last time. Wow, the crowds were so huge. As I looked at people as they were passing on my right and left, I could not help but be overwhelmed by the fact that many of them may not know what it is to have a personal relationship with Christ. It broke my heart that most of them were going through life empty, which will eventually lead to an eternity separated from God.

After the outreach, a group of about ten of us got together to make a late night run to the ocean. This was probably one of the most fun times of project for me. Just spending time with the many of the people I cared so deeply about. I thank God so much for laughter and fun. Oh the joy that a great laugh can bring to the soul!

Sunday was officially the last full day of project. And boy, was it a good one. The day started with the women of the University of Minnesota making all us guys from the U breakfast. This was the first time in my life that my fellow sisters in Christ have ever served us guys. Not that that is a bad thing; however, usually it is us guys taking the girls out. I am going to take this space right now to just write how I truly love the women from the U. It is so incredible to see their hearts for God.

Following the usual Sunday School and Sunday Service, I had to say bye to my adopted parents for the summer. Wow, I did not know that would be hard. It blew me away that these people who were complete strangers at the beginning of summer could grow so close to my heart. Their warmth and acceptance of us was incredible.

Sunday night was probably one of my best memories from project. We went on the beach and had a bonfire. It was so cool to get everyone together to just hang out. Late into the night, we just sang some worship songs. How amazing is our Father!? I remember standing on the cool beach, in front of a small burning fire, staring up into the sky at the stars and the moon. Can you believe that all that we see in nature is the glory of God?!

Late Sunday night was tough. The realization that I may not see some of these people ever again in this life started to kick in. There were so many things that I wanted to tell people. Different ways each had encouraged me, things that had inspired me among other things were thoughts running through my head to tell people. Amidst all this, I needed to pack my bags to go home. As the things in the room began to get put away, the relationships I had developed over the summer came to a temporary ending. For some, I know I will not ever see them again. While this is not something I want to happen, I do understand that it is a reality. On the other hand, there are those people I wish were next to me for the rest of my life. However, I know that is not reality. While saying by Sunday night and even Monday morning, my heart had been heavy with joy, sorrow, and sadness. Even now, my heart beats with these same feelings. However, my outward expressions may not have done the justice of the feelings of my heart. So many times, there were all these things that I wanted to say to show the love of my heart; however, my mouth could not articulate words to describe the deep sense of fellowship.

Monday morning, my Impact Group got together for breakfast. It was nice to have one of my last memories of project with some of the people I respected the most. Sharing some great times we had this past year, it was nice to reflect with these people. In addition to all that, I got to see a ton of people that I did not get to see the night before. However, there was a ton of people I never formally got to say bye to. What a bummer!

All in all, these past few days have truly been a whirlwind of encouragement. The sarcasm that was so prominent the last few weeks was almost non-existent. The realization that we may never get to spend this time together is truly starting to hit project as we left. It was so cool that no longer were people busy joking around; instead, people wanted to just spend time really loving the people around them.

There are so many more things I want to write. I will try to post again in the near future with a better reflection on this incredible summer.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Do Not Have Time to think of a Title

Alright, since my last posting title was “No Time,” I could not think of a different title to show how busy everything is. I’m sorry if that first sentence made no sense at all.

Last week’s theme was “Because He is worthy, we cannot be silent.” It was a week truly devoted to sharing how unbelievable God’s grace is on the boardwalk and wherever else we have been. The week was great. It ended with a huge party at our house where we invited friends from work and what not for dinner. One of the coolest things to see was how the body truly has to work together. It is seen various times in scriptures how there are different parts to the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). I had the opportunity to invite a guy that I work with at the golf course. The only thing that stood in the way of myself sharing with him was that he could only speak Spanish. However, it was so cool to see that he would accept our humble invitation. Think about how difficult that would be to go into a place and really not know anyone that knows your language. Anyways, our friend from work came to the party and I started to realize there was a few people who knew Spanish extremely well. It was incredible to see the love the people on this project poured into him. One girl even had the opportunity to explain to him how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in Spanish. How great is our God!!! Another person on project invited a friend from work. The friend came and so did that person’s deaf friend. Luckily, there was a person on project who knew sign language. The body of Christ is unstoppable.

A huge thing God has been putting on my heart is my responsibility to tell people I can actually communicate with the gospel. God has given me the ability to speak English, so it is my responsibility to communicate with those of the same language.

While still on the topic of work. My last day at work is this coming Tuesday. Only four full days of work left. Can you believe it!?! I look back at my experience at Greate Bay Golf Course and leave fully satisfied. I have had the incredible opportunity of sharing the experience with two other guys that are here on project. The relationships I have developed with Drew Stevenson and Erik Kuhn are truly God-centered. This past week, we were able to share the full gospel and reality of those that do not believe with our bosses. It was a convicting time but at the same time good. I look back at the last few months at work and can say to myself that “I left it all on the floor.” What that means is that God gave us three guys the ability to share with every single one of our co-workers that spoke English. Let all the glory go to the One that deserves it!

I am extremely sad to leave the golf course. My bosses have been incredible. Not once this entire summer has my boss raised his voice in disappointment or anger. He is a cool, calm guy who works hard. He is just so encouraging. Often times throughout the day, our bosses will just come tell us how great of a job we are doing. It is such an incredible environment. We three want to work harder for our boss just because of his attitude. He is such an example for my life in my faith and leadership. He does not freak out and stays in control. His daily encouragement and care for us is contagious. Often times we go through life not encouraging each other. He has been an example of the opposite.

Speaking of encouragement, this week’s theme is: “Because He is Worthy, We show real love.” The week’s focus is on showing love to the people around us and to experience the fellowship that God has provided for us. It has been an incredible week just encouraging people and building them up in their faith. One of the biggest things I have been learning is the true importance of fellowship between believers along with our fellowship between Jesus. In 1 John 4:12 it states how “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” While this statement may not make sense to those who have yet to entrust their life to Christ, it should be an awakening experience for those who have. Seriously take one minute to think about that verse right now. You guys, we are the essence of God’s love to the rest of the earth. No one can physically see God’s true love, but we have the ability as believers to express that to the world. Wow, how that has hit me hard this week. So many times my speech is sarcastic, discouraging, or just plain bad. My actions often have selfish intentions. What is your life like? How is your speech? Can people see God’s love in your fellowship with other believers? God’s love is not discouraging. While it is tough to admit, sarcasm is usually negative. When was the last time you personally complemented or encouraged another believer? I challenge you and myself to live a life that reflects the love of God to the world.

Over the past two weeks, I have also been learning of how short my life here on earth truly is. The average life span for an individual is 74 years old. It was incredible, because last Sunday, I had the opportunity to hear two incredible sermons on our life. The first one was at church by a guest pastor from Yonkers, NY. He talked about the shortness of our lives what we should do because of it. The second talk was by Brendan Manning. Manning is a relatively famous author and former priest. He talked about how great God’s grace and love is for everyone. The things we do here on earth will last an eternity. The Bible is a reality. There will be people that go to Heaven, and others who will unfortunately go to Hell. What are you doing to make a difference? Are you personally getting into the game of sharing your faith? Or are you satisfied with just supporting missionaries? Do not get me wrong, God calls us to support those who give their lives to share the gospel, but are you still standing on the sidelines of evangelism? People are dieing everyday without hearing the incredible Good News, who is responsible for that? Who is responsible for that person that works in the cubicle next to you? Who is responsible for the person that cuts your hair? Who is responsible for the person sitting next to you on an airplane? Next time you see a person you know who is not a believer, ask whose responsibility it is to let that person know the Good News. Supporting a missionary in India is not going to reach that person! Now do not get me wrong, I struggle with this daily. It is difficult for me to talk to my friends about the amazing news. However, I have to know that it is not me that is talking and it is not me they are rejecting. I will never be able to convince anyone that the Gospel is right and true. The talking, acceptance, and convicting is entirely done by our amazing guide, the Holy Spirit.

I know this blog has been long and maybe a bit winded. There is just so much more I want to share with all of you. I cannot believe in less than two week I will be home. Not that that is a bad thing, but I may never see some of these people until I get to Heaven. While that is a sad thing, eternally, I cannot wait to see them in Heaven. At the same time, I am convicted of the many people I know that will not be there. What am I doing? Do I not love them just as much?

Monday, July 25, 2005

No Time

It seems as if this passed week was just a whirlwind that I somehow got through by the grace of God.

This week was the first with all the staff gone and the students truly taking over. The atmosphere was a lot different but in a good way. For me, I understand my responsibility and it’s so cool to know that God will provide in all things.

The week was much more busier than usual because I came home on Friday for a wedding. Because of that, I worked on the days I usually had off and then I had to find time to fit all the discipleship times in and preparation for bible study. While it was pretty jammed pack, it was still fun.

I loved the times I spent which each guy this past week during discipleship. Each of them are so unique and bring such a different perspective. I am looking forward to the things we will learn from each other.

The week at work was great too. I work with two other guys who are in Ocean City for the same summer project. This week we had the opportunity to share with our boss. It was a moment inspired by God to be able to explain more of what true Christianity meant and to hear more about his faith.

Through that conversation and other things, I have realized that I need to really dig into the Bible more. We have been provided this “book” that is inspired by God for our benefit. It is so unbelievable the things that God can teach me if I just take time to let him.

Also, throughout the week God has provided incredible conversation with other students who are on the same project. It blows me away at how “real” and authentic people are. I almost feel like I am in this surreal environment. I am just so thankful that God provided a way so that I could fit into this community.

Throughout this summer, God has just been teaching me so much about my view of Him and how truly I think way to highly of myself. Some questions that I have considered is how small and little I am compared to the holiness and majesty of God. At the same time, how lucky I am that this huge and great God wants to know me in a personal way.

It was really nice to go home for the weekend. I left early Friday morning and I am now flying back to NJ. Seeing friends and family that I have not seen for a long time was incredible. Although it seemed as if every second was taken up with something to do, it was still nice just to be home.

As I head back to NJ, I understand that there is less than a month left for the project. I am so excited to see what God is going to do. I feel like it is the “end of the beginning” if that makes any sense. While this summer may be closing down, I am so excited to get back to School. I cannot wait to use the skills that have been taught from this summer and apply it at the U.

May all the Glory go to God!

Friday, July 15, 2005


Well, as always, so much has happened the last few days.

On Tuesday, we pulled an “All-Nighter” as a campus. It was great staying up with the 11 others from the U and just getting to know each other well. We really got to dig deeper into each other and also have banana-chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

I just realized that I have yet to reveal what my campus job is. Well, I have the privilege of being the action group leader for my action group. So what does that mean? Well, an action group is the same thing as a bible study. So I will be leading the bible study each week. In addition, I will have the opportunity to disciple each of the guys. There are a total of three other guys that I will disciple. When I say disciple, that means each week I will meet with each guy for at least an hour and also go out sharing with him too.

After hearing my job, I was both excited and a bit intimidated. The guys in my group are unbelievable. They have so much experience and knowledge both in life and in the Word. To serve with them is humbling and going to be a challenge. I know the only possibly way for the next few weeks to be effective for the kingdom of God is to fully rely on the one who is all powerful.

The theme for this past week as been “Agape Love.” For those of you who do not know what Agape is love that is wholly selfless and spiritual. It has been sweet because there have been opportunities to express our love for each other throughout the week.

Yesterday was the last full day staff was here. We ended it with a long night of activity. First the feast part. It being Agape week and all, we all had to serve each other food instead of getting our own meal. Afterwards, we had a large group meeting with extended worship and a mid-project video. I cannot believe it, but there are only 35 days of project left.

The night ended with the new leadership team taking over and casting vision for the last few weeks of project. Our theme for the rest of the summer is “Because He is Worthy…”

The Lord has already done so much in and through me and I am excited to see where God takes myself and the rest of us in finishing the summer.

Thank you all for you prayers and support!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

So Much!!

It has been such a long time since I have been able to update. I am telling you everyone, the last few days have been, how do I say it, INCREDIBLE. It just seems wrong for me to sit here at a computer to even try and explain it to you in words. The best analogy to give to the last few days is “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In the same sense, the only true way to appreciate all the things we did is to have a video of it all or just to experience it yourself. There is this deep desire within me to just sit down with each and every person that wants to listen and just share what has been happening. While I know that is impossible, I will try to make due and attempt to explain some of it through words.

Last Friday, I was able to have dinner with my adopt-a-parents from my church, Ocean City Baptist. The church set up this program where a few members of the church “adopt” a few of us who are here on summer project. Basically, we hang out with these members so we get to know some people from the congregation well and feel more connected. My parents include a deacon of the church (also the piano player), his wife, and a one of their family friends. Their names are Paul, Helen, and Elsie. I must say they are some of the most personable, older people I know.

On Saturday night, we had the annual Staff vs. Student softball game. This was the culmination of “All for One” week. The entire week was focused on the importance of fellowship and community. As many of you may have guessed, I totally loved it. There were various activities throughout the week to make us all depend on each other more and to work as a team. The softball game itself was a bit varied from a normal game. The final score was a tie, a bit of a bummer but still good.

Monday’s dinner was pretty sweet because three random guys were paired with three random girls. It was also July 4th so we watched the fireworks as a project. Probably one of the sweetest parts was after the fireworks we played a game called “Buck, Buck.” I am unsure if I even spelled that correctly, but basically what it is is a group of guys making a human “base.” Basically about 5 guys locking arms in a semi-circle shape while being bent over. Then, one guy at a time jumps on top of their backs. Ok, now I am thinking to myself that this explanation is not that great, but I must say, it was tons of fun and actually drew a huge crowd of people.

This started our week of “International Vision.” Basically, the entire week is focused on the importance of spreading the gospel throughout the world. Tuesday night was one of the most creative things I have done since being on project. However, I cannot share the details because there may be people reading this blog who may go on a summer project in the future. Some of the things I learned though is how spiritually blessed the US truly is. We have so many churches, worship styles, bands, and even a ton of different versions of the bible. There are many locations that do not even have a bible in their language.

Wednesday night’s talk was on our perspective when thinking about our lives. One of the biggest things that hit me is our perspective of God’s will. Often times we ask, “What is God’s will in my life?” One of our challenges was to ask, “How do I fit into God’s will?” This statement alone just blew me away at how selfish I approached even my prayer life.

From Monday to Wednesday, I was blessed with having my mom and dad here. It was great to just catch up with them and just share what God is doing in my life. One of the verses my bible study leader told me today was Luke 12:48. Jesus is talking and saying: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much MORE will be asked.” Thinking about how much I have been blessed with, especially with my parents, I know I need to do much more then just make money with my life. Over the past two years of college, I have become more and more appreciative of the background I came from. I am blessed with an incredible set of parents and supportive siblings and family. People have been placed in my life at the right time to carry me through my spiritual trials. By being blessed with all this and more, I know I need to “multiply” my life.

Lastly, I found out today what my Project Job will be for the rest of the summer. To give some background, next week Friday all 35 or so staff will leave for the summer. From that point on, us students of the project must take over the emptied positions. Each student is given a job assigned to them by the staff team. While I do know my job, I cannot reveal it until Friday, so I will not write about it until then. I will tell you that I am excited but also a bit overwhelmed and will need tons of prayer.

I apologize for this blog being so long, but I wanted to give you all a glimpse of the last few days. They have truly been the most exciting and challenging times of project so far. One of the biggest things that have been made real to me is that the Spirit works in so many different ways then just the traditional preacher’s message, church, etc. With that, I will leave you and hope you are all well.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Tough yet Rewarding

Well everyone, “Killing the Giants” week is officially over. It was definitely the hardest week of project so far; however, at the same time, it was the most rewarding and beneficial for the kingdom of God.

As I mentioned earlier, we had set a goal to have 6,104 evangelistic conversations throughout the week. An evangelistic conversation is where we offer to tell them individuals about God’s amazing gift of salvation. After a week of going out and sharing with as many people as possible at all times of the day, our project of about 140 people including staff had 6,511 spiritual conversations! The more amazing part is that 275 decided to put their trust in Christ and accept him as their savior!!! How unbelievable is God? If we can just be available, He will provide results that have eternal consequences.

Reflecting a bit on what I have written, I am unsure if I clearly explained what exactly the “Giant” is. Well, the “Giant” is that little voice in our hearts that encourages us not to share how amazing God is. It is the persuading spirit that frightens us that our friends will judge us based on our beliefs. It is the spirit that tells us that we do not know enough about our faith to actually be able to share it. When it comes down to it, it is the devil.

So where do we go from here. This coming week is themes “All for One.” From what I know so far, it is a week filled with community building. Basically, so all of us students can get to know each other well. We, as students, are pitted as a team against all the staff throughout the week. There are different competitions and other tricks throughout the week. It should be pretty intense.

For about the past week I have been debating the issue of “Predestination” or “Free-Will.” If you know what these issues are or have particular scriptural insight, it would be sweet to get some opinions. Throughout it all, I continually realize that God is a loving, just God who in the end will make the right decision because it is not his nature to be wrong.

Other than that, thank you all for your prayers and continue to do so. All the glory goes to God!

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